Miscellaneous projects/PCBs

Minor stuff not interesting enough to have a whole post

Banner image and it's contents

The reason you clicked on this is likely the banner image! I hope it looked interesting enough. All of the PCBs were designed by me.
Some of the boards shown are discussed under, some aren't. Starting from the top left, the green square board is a BLDC driver, purple board to the right
is the the primary control board for an electronic load, small blue rectangle and the last blue board in the row are a keyboard controller project
that you can find here. In the second row first blue board is an LED tail light replacement for my Jawa Pionier,
the two white discs are LED carriers for BA15 style bulbs that can also hold a lense, black panel next to it are CDI boards. Starting in the third row with a
small purple board, this is an Xbox One X/S/Series X/S HDMI DDC booster IC replacement, green board next to it is a Drive By Wire Throttle controller,
white rectangle after it is an SMD successor the to red board in the last row. Finishing the set is an LED tail light for my CZ175/487.


2 Channel mini ECU

Small engine computer PCB I made for speeduino with the use of a Mega Pro 2560 dev board.
It was entirely THT and served as more of a 2 layer layout excercise. I installed it on my moped, but later replaced with an SMD verison.

irl kicad kicad kicad kicad kicad

Optoisolated trigger board

Trigger signal conditioner for speeduino ECU, this particular one is set up for negative voltage spike from
an ignition coil hooked up to a distributor. I installed one of these boards in my friend's Suzuki SJ413 and it has done over 5500km.

irl kicad kicad irl


THT and SMD CDI boards that I made to use on various CDI equipped bikes including conversions to CDI, one was used for a while on a Babetta 210,
one went to my CZ175, one is in my Jawa pionier, just to name a few.

kicad kicad irl irl

Battery communication test board

Board used for experimenting with someone else's software project that emulated a thinkpad battery's communication


ECU Display

One of my first attempts at making a display for the speeduino ECU, used a nokia 5110 display, WS2812B addressable LEDs
and was made at home with acid etching, The LED footprint was wrong with data In and data Out pins swapped around.

irl kicad kicad

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