
Hi, my name is Daniel, I am an electronics enthusiast. I also have an interest in vintage cars
motorcycles, and all things electrical/mechanical. I often create various modernized solutions for these old vehicles that I purchase
and those that people bring to me. I've also sunk my hands into computers.

This website exists to show off my projects, I created it myself by taping together various CSS examples on the internet
The design is basic on purpose

Look around and have fun!

If you want to donate crypto:
-BTC: bc1qq795vlcjzutl2nc8cclepz50yhvj07esx6vvwy
-ETH: 0x3883E27f38f0B7Cd450e56c1b8BD5B699174836d
-XMR: 48xWE9QWV9L45qggcUyDNs9x7yiGShqtSJ5uJ7JGmx9yYx12XavUmK7KiroaFsmpyS5vDYaYQ9oH21KyH5SYtayZMz89tfL

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